Close contact with someone who had a boilĪ boil is an infection that can quickly spread via skin-to-skin contact.Some of the most common causes of boils include: This is your body's way of trying to get rid of the infection. When bacteria get into areas of the vaginal skin that have been cut or broken open, a lump filled with pus will form - aka, a boil. This bacteria can live peacefully on the surface of your skin - it's only when it gets into your body that it may cause a problem. The vulva has many specialized glands and pores that can become blocked due to a type of bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus (staph). In short, vaginal boils develop when a hair follicle becomes impacted, causing an infection to develop. This means that you may find a vaginal boil on the soft outer lips (your labia) or near where the vulva meets your inner legs (where lots of chafing tends to occur). While boils can pop up in any area of the body, they are commonly found lurking in the vaginal region- namely on the vulva rather than the vaginal opening or inside the vaginal canal. An increase in the size of the bump as it fills with pusīoils are virtually harmless and usually don't require medical treatment, but if your boil is accompanied by a general feeling of ill health, chills, or a fever, call your doctor.

More often than not, boils are pea-sized however, they can grow as large as a golf ball in some cases.

Similar to an angry pimple, boils are filled with pus and look red or swollen. Simply put, a boil - medically known as a furuncle or skin abscess - is an infection that starts in a hair follicle or oil gland.