If you imported live listings, pay special attention to the Solid Commerce eBay Description field (HTML tag: ).For any fields tagged in the listing design, make sure the corresponding Solid Commerce fields are properly populated, especially for imported listings.The tagged listing design HTML is saved in the eBay Listing Details section of your Solid Commerce eBay Listing Templates. If you are automatically populating information from Solid Commerce into your eBay listing design, you added some Solid Commerce HTML tags to your listing design HTML. To learn more about mapping Item Specifics, see Adding eBay Item Specifics to Listings Using the Pre-Fill Settings.Ģ) HTML Listing Design (a.k.a: eBay Description, eBay "Details," or eBay Template).For any Item Specifics you want to use, make sure the corresponding Solid Commerce fields or Product Attributes are properly populated, especially for imported listings.To provide Item Specifics to eBay, you setup some field mapping in the Pre-Fill Details of your eBay Listing Templates. There are two things to consider before applying a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template to imported listings: Things to Consider Before Applying Templates If you have a small number of listings you want to update through the UI, follow the Updating eBay Listings.All of your existing product specific eBay data will be overwritten. We don't recommend using the Listing Template drop-down in the user interface.Include all of your product specific eBay details. The price, eBay Title, eBay Category, eBay Store Category, shipping charges, return policy, listing design, and more.

What kind of existing data can end up being REPLACED if you don't include it with your upload? To prevent accidentally overwriting settings, you need to re-supply custom eBay data when you re-apply your revised template. When you re-apply the template, the data in the revised eBay Listing Template REPLACES the eBay data saved to your items. You need to re-apply the template to revise your items. When you revise an eBay Listing Template, the revised settings are not automatically applied to your products. In the user interface, you can see the combined settings applied to a product by opening its eBay Listing Details pop-up.

When you apply an eBay Listing Template to an item, the eBay specific data you've entered into your spreadsheet merges with the settings in the template.

You can find info about these types of revisions in Updating eBay Listings. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of specific fields you can update without needing to revise an eBay Listing Template, such as title, images, and shipping fees. This article will show you the best way to apply a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template to products that are already listed.